Invitations issued in the April round of Skilled Select have dropped immensely , with a subsequent increase in the points held by invited applicants.
Skilled Independent visa – Subclass 189 – 100 invitations, minimum points score 80
Skilled Regional (Provisional) visa – Subclass 489 — 10(!) invitations – minimum points score 80
Minimum points – occupations with high level of demand
Accountants – 90 points
Auditors, Company Secretaries and Corporate Treasurers – 85 points
Business and System Analysts – 85 points
Electronics Engineer – 80 points
Industrial, Mechanical and Production Engineers – 80 points
Other Engineering Professionals – 80 points
Software and Applications Programmers – 80 points
Computer Network Professionals – 80 points
Invitations issued year to date
Skilled Independent visa Subclass 189 – 22,700
Skilled Regional (Provisional) visa Subclass 489 – 100
What to do in the situation when it seems to you that you are far below the above mentioned points?
First of all ensure that you have considered all possible options to collect additional points and calculated the total points correctly. Then ensure that you consider all possible options in your situation and assess alternative pathways. Do not attempt to save on professional advice from an Australian Registered Migration Agent. It may turn to be your best life-time investment. You may order my detailed professional consultation here.