Skilled Migration Program

Migration Skilled Occupation List 2020-2021

Migration skilled occupation list for 2020-2021 is unchanged from 2019-2020 financial year. Legislative Instrument-Specification of Occupations and Assessing Authorities  ...

Skillselect invitation round results for 21 October 2020 published

The Department of Home Affairs of Australia has published invitation Round results for 21 October 2020 invitation rounds are now published. No invitations were issued for pro-rata occupations (i.e. for Accountants, Auditors, Company Secretaries and Corporate Treasurers, Electronics Engineer, Industrial, Mechanical and Production Engineers, Other Engineering Professionals, ICT Business and System Analysts,...

NSW Business and Migration – Subclass 491 eligibility criteria changed

NSW Business and Migration announced last week that it would be opening the SC 491 2019/20 program for a short time until 5pm, 26 June 2020. NSW updated its criteria to accept applications from eligible candidates already living in regional NSW and with an occupation on the NSW Regional...

Changes in Tasmania state nomination criteria related to COVID 19

This information may change in response to decisions made by the Australian Government in relation to the Skilled Migration Program COVID-19 response. The Tasmanian Government may also introduce further changes to the state nomination program in response to COVID-19 or to align with the skills needs of the state....

Closure of Victoria’s skilled nominated visa (subclass 190 and 491) for 2019-20

Victoria’s skilled visa nomination program is now closed. Victoria has filled the places provided by the Commonwealth Department of Home Affairs for the 2019-20 program year. This includes both the Skilled Nominated (Permanent) visa (subclass 190) and the Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 491). Applications received prior to...

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Australian Registered Migration Agent
Viktor Ovcharenko MARN 0964258

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