Professional Engineer Summary Statement Engineers Australia
Sample of Engineers Australia Summary Statement, a mandatory and key element for Professional Engineer skills assessment with Engineers Australia.
Includes a sample of filled Summary Statement
Once you have completed your Career Episodes you must analyze them to ensure you have addressed all the competency elements for the nominated occupational category.
The results of your analysis will be demonstrated in your Summary Statement. The Summary Statement cross-references the competency elements with the particular paragraph in your Career Episode where each element occurs. To do this, you will need to number the paragraphs in your Career Episodes.
The Summary Statement templates for your nominated occupational category are available on the Engineers Australia website. We provide samples as guides only. You may use them with Samples of Career Episodes. Do not attempt to restrict your Summary Statement to one page only.
Please Note: Only one Summary Statement is required for all three episodes.
Write an outstanding Summary Statement for your Career Episodes and be assured of a positive decision to confirm your Professional Engineer grade.
- Professional Engineer Summary Statement
Format: pdf
Size: 93 KB
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