Skills Assessment Australia

VETASSESS important update on identification requirements

From 15 June 2021, applicants will need to provide at least three types of identity document when applying for a skills assessment for < href=""> professional occupations and immigration to Australia. This is due to updated requirements from the Australian Government. Applicants must provide at least one form of...

VETASSESS has commenced issuing digital badges

As part of an exciting new initiative with the Australian Marketing Institute, VETASSESS has commenced issuing digital badges to all applicants who receive a successful Skills Assessment outcome for the following occupations: Advertising Specialist (ANZSCO 225111) Market Research Analyst (ANZSCO 225112) Marketing Specialist (ANZSCO 225113) A digital badge is...

Engineers Australia changes in the skills assessment process 2021

Fee Increase  Upon approval, a fee increase of around 2% will be applied across all . Migration Skills Assessment fees for the financial year 2021/22. Effective from 1st July 2021, the increase is based on a combination of the consumer price index, wage price index and producer price index English...

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