The purpose of a Genuine Temporary Entrant Statement or GTE Letter of a Submission letter is to assist you quickly and efficiently to get to the crux of the immigration or visa matter. This is a map of your situation, rather than a novel about your life.
Genuine Temporary Entrant Statements, GTE Letters and Submission letters writing service
There is an important reason why in a complicated situation, the Submission letter ought to be done by an Australian Registered Immigration Agent charging just and equitable cost for this sort of work.
Submission letter or a “letter of representation” can only be written after a thorough study of the client’s situation and all accompanying documents. Consider it as a type of formal written recommendation to the decision-maker which states why precisely, this type of the Australian visa must be granted to the applicant. It sets out the grounds and reasons for a decision of a grant, outlines the relevant clauses of the Australian immigration legislation (publicly available), official Governmental Immigration Policy and Authority Procedure Manuals-PAMs (the last two are not in the public domain).
It is necessary to prove how your Australian visa application should be considered, clearly stating what relevant immigration legislation should be applied, thereby giving to the decision-maker, considering your visa application, ready and solid grounds for a reasoned and expected decision.
Utilizing Submission letters correctly – may result in a positive outcome, whether it is Australian skills assessment, obtaining a student or a permanent residence Australian visa, asking for a Bridging visa with the right to work and travel outside Australia, getting parents to Australia, or obtaining the Australian citizenship.
I can not estimate the cost of a Submission letter for a particular case in advance without a thorough study of the situation and available supporting documents, but I can say one thing – a Submission letter accompanying a complex case considerably accelerates decision-makers work and therefore making it easier to get to Australia or receive the Australian citizenship.
Australian Registered Migration Agent
Viktor Ovcharenko
MARN 0964258