Reduce Fraudulent Documents

Рекомендации MARA по предварительной проверке всех документов поступающих от клиента:

Fraudulent documents and false or misleading information threaten the integrity of Australia’s migration program. It is in the best interest of clients, migration agents and the department to take steps to reduce the level of fraudulent documents or false or misleading information submitted in, or with, applications. Such documents or information can result in delays in processing or the refusal of an application.

The Migration Agents Code of Conduct acknowledges that registered migration agents are not responsible for misinformation provided by a client. However, as a migration agent you have obligations in relation to information that you know or believe to be misleading or inaccurate.

The following tips are designed to help you reduce the incidence of fraudulent documents and false or misleading information in Australia’s migration program.

  • Independently verify contact details; do not rely on those supplied by your client.
  • Make contact with the organisation or business which originally issued the document to verify its reliability, or contact them to clarify a claim of concern.
  • Consult with a colleague on the issues you have with the relevant documents.
  • Discuss your concerns with your client.
  • Should you have concerns about the validity of any documents and are unable to verify them, advise the department when lodging the application.
  • Ensure that your client understands that under section 234 of the Migration Act 1958 the department can prosecute clients who present fraudulent or false documents, or who make false or misleading claims in support of a visa or citizenship application.
  • This may also result in delays in processing or refusal to grant the application.
  • If you believe that an application or document may be fraudulent or inaccurate, provide your client with the opportunity to resubmit their application omitting the document of concern or terminate your business dealings with this client and report them to your local departmental office.
  • Do not encourage or advise your clients to make fraudulent statements in their application.
Picture of Viktor Ovcharenko

Viktor Ovcharenko

Australian Registered Migration Agent
MARN 0964258
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Australian Registered Migration Agent
Viktor Ovcharenko MARN 0964258

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