Migration Skills Assessment

An important step in the immigration process to Australia is qualification assessment by a specialist. This process is handled by special institutions in Australia known as “assessment bodies.” A positive decision means that your profession and work experience qualify you to participate in professional immigration programs and obtain work visas.

If you decide to undertake this process yourself, you’ll first need to determine if your profession is eligible for participation in professional immigration programs. Then you’ll have to find the organization where you should submit your documents for your specific profession, understand the requirements, and gather a complete document package without missing anything.

It may seem straightforward, but in reality, the process is laborious and not simple at all. There are many nuances and pitfalls that you may not be aware of. Just one mistake can lead to a visa refusal.

Refusal of Qualification Assessment with Self-Submission of Documents

Based on my experience as an immigration agent, I can say that self-submission of qualification assessments takes a lot of time and often leads to unnecessary expenses.

It’s great when an “assessment body” issues a positive decision and confirms your qualification — one less worry. However, more often than not, applicants who independently prepare and submit documents for qualification assessment receive a refusal or incomplete qualification assessment. As a result, they are forced to appeal the decision because they can no longer participate in immigration programs.

Refusal of qualification assessment is very frustrating and unpleasant, especially after spending months preparing documents and experiencing stress when trying to obtain university program endorsements and recommendations from long-forgotten workplaces or difficult employers.

As practice shows, problems often arise due to incorrect document formatting, errors in them, incorrect selection of the profession, incomplete information, misunderstanding of the requirements set by the Australian organizations or institutions handling qualification assessment. Sometimes, fake documents are submitted because of the mistaken belief that the profession is not listed. This automatically results in immigration prohibition.

It should also be noted that official websites of Australian government agencies do not contain complete information on the immigration procedure. The information provided is concise, and only basic requirements are listed. There are many instructions and requirements, for example, from the governments of individual states on immigration issues. Finding all of them is not easy. And if they are not considered, difficulties may arise.

I often have clients coming to me with visa refusals, only now deciding to seek help. And I see that in most cases, problems could have been avoided, as well as unnecessary expenses.

Remember that after submitting documents and receiving a refusal, you will be forced to turn to an immigration agent to challenge the decision, find a way out of the situation, and submit documents again. Not everyone will take on resolving this issue because working with refusals is more difficult and not always possible. It’s not entirely accurate that if you turn to me immediately, you will receive an accurate assessment of your situation and avoid mistakes in document preparation and submission.

How Can I Help You with Qualification Assessment?

To understand all the intricacies of this process and avoid mistakes, I offer you my assistance as an immigration agent. Together, we will go through all the details of this procedure and consider all possible options suitable for your case.

Benefits you will receive by choosing me as your immigration agent:

  • First and foremost, I will assess whether your profession is truly suitable for confirmation.
  • I will provide you with all necessary forms, a list of documents, detailed recommendations, and instructions.
  • I will conduct official correspondence and negotiations with responsible personnel of Australian expert organizations on your behalf.
  • Before submitting your documents, I will conduct a thorough check to ensure nothing is missed, thus saving you from errors.
  • During the document preparation process, you can ask questions and receive 60 minutes of telephone consultations (of course, I will not limit you in time, but as practice shows, this time is sufficient to clarify all questions).

If you believe this is relevant to your situation, I can assist you in successfully and quickly confirming your qualification required for visas under Professional Immigration Programs or Work Visa Programs.

By turning to me directly, you will avoid mistakes in independent information search and document submission. Thus, you will not waste extra money and time and will be able to move closer to achieving your desired goal — immigration to Australia.

This page provides summary information on January 13, 2025. Australian immigration law is complex and it changes on a regular basis. If you have any additional questions or require further clarification, please, do not hesitate and contact me regarding this matter and, if appropriate, to arrange a mutually convenient time for an appointment.

Australian Registered Migration Agent
Viktor Ovcharenko
MARN 0964258

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Australian Registered Migration Agent
Viktor Ovcharenko MARN 0964258

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