About tenders and competitions for the purchase of goods and services held at the municipal, regional and federal levels in Australia

Sample tender notifications that match the specified search criteria. Notifications may vary depending on the source of publication of the notification.

Request No.

(Status) &


Request Summary


WSGROUPH(Current)Invitation to Offer Various Maintenance Works at WS Group HTender Issued by Department of Housing and Public WorksUNSPSC: Building and Construction and Maintenance Services – (100%) closing 25 Jun, 20.. 2:00 PM
DETE101407(Current)Invitation to Offer Development and Delivery of Auslan Short CoursesTender Issued by Department Of Education, Training and EmploymentUNSPSC: Education and Training Services – (100%) closing 18 Jul, 20.. 2:00 PM
79008CONS1(Current)Invitation to Offer LOCKYER District State High School, Year 7 New Building. PQC Level 3Tender Issued by Department of Housing and Public WorksUNSPSC: Building and Construction and Maintenance Services – (100%) closing 9 Jul, 20.. 2:00 PM
NQ00139(Current)Invitation to Offer PROVISION OF ACCOUNTANCY SERVICES BY A RISK MANAGEMENT SPECIALISTTender Issued by Queensland HealthUNSPSC: Accounting and auditing – (100%) closing 15 Jul, 20.. 11:00 AM
PEND1697(Current)Invitation to Offer Slope Stabilisation WorksTender Issued by Department of Transport and Main RoadsUNSPSC: Roads and landscape – (100%) closing 18 Jul, 20.. 2:00 PM
F3354(Current)Invitation to Offer Supply of Decontamination TrailersTender Issued by Department of Community SafetyUNSPSC: Product and material trailers – (60%)UNSPSC 2: Decontamination shower – (40%) closing 26 Aug, 20.. 2:00 PM
MSH180613(Current)Invitation to Offer Engagement of a Professional Services Contractor to conduct a review of the Queensland Cancer Registry AgreementTender Issued by Queensland HealthUNSPSC: Business law services – (100%) closing 3 Jul, 20.. 2:00 PM

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