22 May 2017 Northern Territory – Offshore GSM nominations closed until 1 July 2017

The Northern Territory Department of Trade Business and Innovation has temporarily suspended applications for Northern Territory nomination for Subclass 489 and Subclass 190, visas where the applicants are not in the Northern Territory, ie offshore, until 1 July 2017.
This suspension is due to the upcoming introduction of an online application system and recent changes to the General Skilled Migration program by the Australian Government.
Where applicants are not in the Northern Territory and a Migration NT file number has not been issued (eg BSM2017/XXXX) the applications will not be processed.
Applicants are encouraged to reapply following 1 July, 2017.
Applicants in the Northern Territory and all Business Innovation and Investment Program applicants are unaffected by the suspension.

Picture of Viktor Ovcharenko

Viktor Ovcharenko

Australian Registered Migration Agent
MARN 0964258
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