04 July 2017 Retirement of the outgoing passenger card (OPC)

​From 1 July 2017, passengers leaving Australia will no longer need to complete an outgoing passenger card (OPC).
Arriving passengers must still complete the orange incoming passenger card (IPC). The IPC has been updated to include an additional question, and will need to be distributed to people travelling on or after 1 July 2017. The information previously gathered via paper-based outgoing passenger cards will now be collated from existing government data and will continue to be provided to users. The Government acknowledges the importance of robust and accurate statistics to Australia’s planning and development and that the change to collection methods will not diminish the value of these statistics. The Department is currently reviewing use of the Incoming Passenger Card (IPC) and options for removal. This work is expected to take several years. For more information on the retirement of the OPC, visit the Minister’s website .

Picture of Viktor Ovcharenko

Viktor Ovcharenko

Australian Registered Migration Agent
MARN 0964258
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